Why do we love love? When love seems to hate us....

What is love? Nobody really knows for sure because no one can give me a solid answer as to what it is. If you ask 10 people what they think love is you will get 10 different answers....but the one thing they all have in common..is that love doesn't hurt. And that's a full blown lie. Love does hurt...and if it didn't then why do so many people have broken hearts over a loved one? How many people have you hurt that you loved? Your parents? Friends? Anybody. So love does hurt and if anybody tells you differently then they are ignorant to whats really going on. And why do people constantly search for something that's going to hurt them? Who knows...why is it that almost every single person walking this earth mission in life, to find somebody to love them unconditionally? Its like people are searching to get hurt. But I guess that's just humans for you. As for me, I've never been in love, but that doesn't mean that i haven't been hurt. So i guess this whole thing is just a double edge sword. FML.

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